PROJECT-51: Shifting things around. For quite a while I have had the car's gearbox mounted to my engine stand where it was convenient to work on, and then, when finished, to store. With the engine parts back from the shop, I need the stand for the block, so I needed to come up with a way and place to store the gearbox so it wouldn't get damaged and would be out of the way.
At a yard sale this past Saturday I came across a motorcycle lift/work-stand with a retractable handle and a set of wheels that I thought I could modify to carry the gearbox. The guy wanted $3 for it! (Amazon price is around $40.)
I added a small sheet of plywood with a hole for the input shaft, and then a leg to keep the stand more-or-less level. I screwed the bell housing to the wood with drywall screws, and now I can stick the gearbox in a corner taking up minimal space, and still move it easily when needed.
Transmission on engine stand. |
Mounted on yard-sale storage cart. |
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